High Performance Series

Test the reliability of your products in different thermal situations. The thermal shock Chamber allows you to rapidly change temperatures.  Thermal shock chambers simulate extreme thermal conditions of a product in use. It is especially suited for testing of devices with electric or electronic components, and the materials that come into contact with them. The Excellent Series chambers can maintain low temperatures from – 70°C to 0°C and high temperatures from +60℃ to +200℃.


Low power consumption

Efficiently built chambers that make the most of every watt.


High Performance

Best in class performance with commendable efficiency.


Low Noise

Quiet operation ensures a tranquil surrounding.


Compact Size

Built for mobility & space conservancy, our chambers are compact.

Newly designed appearance

Stainless steel (hair line finish) was adopted for the exterior material and renewed the design by putting a clear cover to the both side of device.

Debut of High Performance series with invertor control.

Improving energy saving by invertor control adoption. Also to improve the usability by 100 cycle continues operation and LCD display upsizing.

Reduction of power consumption (Energy Saving mode)

By adopting invertor control to High/Low compressor of the cascade cycle, reduced the power consumption compared to the conventional unit.

100 cycle continuous operation

Possible to operate 100 cycles (maximum) with no defrost at 2 zone (low temp ⇔ high temp) operation.

Various types of communication interface

By using communication interface, unit is being enabled to external control on operations and measurements from a connected computer or user’s original system unit.

Combined-program operate function

At this function, you may operate 2 or more programs continuously (or by combination). Up to 5 combined
programs can be operated at maximum.

High load correspondence

Correspond to heat load at high-temp/high-humid or low-temp condition.

Correspond to humidity control function

Line-up humidity control corresponding type. Temperature cycle test or temperature/ humidity test can be corresponded by one unit.
※Humidity control operation:Effective when ” Power Saving mode” or “Standard mode” is set up.

Operation mode changeable function

Standard equipped the “operation mode changeable function” which can change unit refrigerant ability by operation mode (“Energy Saving mode”,”Standard mode”,”High Load mode”).

Unit Control Panel

Color LCD Touch Panel

The color LCD touch panel is adopted so that setting and controlling of the unit will be simple only by touching the displays. The color LCD offers clear view and the system is supported for diverse functions in operation control.

Program name input function

At this function, you may input a program name. Program name can be input by using alphabet, number, and
symbols (!”#%&’()@:,.=+-*/?_) for 14 words (maximum).

Various types of communication interface

By using communication interface, unit is being enabled to external control on operations and measurements from a connected computer or user’s original system unit.

Combined-program operate function

At this function, you may operate 2 or more programs continuously (or by combination). Up to 5 combined programs can be operated at maximum.

Various types of communication interface

By using communication interface, unit is being enabled
to external control on operations and measurements from a connected computer or user’s original system unit.